DirectUpload Configuration

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DirectUpload Configuration

Normally there is no need to enter anything here. But you should run the Test once so that BlogDesk can automatically configure the following options.


Destination Path

Normally the blog system uses the default destination path. You should only enter a different path if you want to change this behavior.


URL prefix

When uploading a file using DirectUpload, the server will return a qualified link/URL so that BlogDesk can integrate this URL in the post. If the server does not return the entire URL and this leads to troubles you can enter a prefix that will be added the the URL. If such a prefix is necessary, BlogDesk will find out for you if you run the Test.



Some blog systems use the name of the transferred file without further checking. If there is already a file with the same name in the destination directory, they will override it without further inquiry. Adding a timestamp can practically preclude such a name collision. If you run the Test, BlogDesk will find out for you if this option should be activated.



If you run the Test, BlogDesk will upload the little image to the server and then download it back. If it can be displayed in the field below, everything is fine. During the Test, BlogDesk will automatically update the URL prefix and the Timestamp.